Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Starting the Rebuild

Saturday I started a new project with Jake, we are rebuilding a wooden play center into a fort for him.  Below is a picture of the bones of the old play center. 

Today after work we set up a work area with saw horses and got out the tools then we started the first part... making the steps to get into it.  I guess I'm cheap because I am unwilling to pay for pre-cut stringers so I decided to buy the 2x10's and make my own.  I have one thing to say. "I hate stringers." Below is a picture of the very first stringer I've ever made.  It came out ok, but the repetition of cuts is kind of a pain.

Tomorrow I'll cut the other one and hopefully frame out the trap door that Jake wants.  I had to clean up the steps and risers with a hammer and chisel, but it came out OK. 

I didn't spend a lot of time in the garden today so the wife did the watering.  Tomorrow we're going to replant the watermelon.

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