Sunday, April 15, 2012

Garden Mid April

Yesterday we had to cover all the plants in the garden.  We were scrambling to find enough things to cover the plants and we didn't make it.  The beans, corn, yellow crook neck and zucchini that didn't get covered seems to have come through the frost alright, we had the tomatos and peppers covered, we also covered the grape plants with sheets.  Below is some pictures of the garden that Trudy took today.

The tomato's are here, we're trying something new and supporting them with recycled pallets.

Over here are beans, corn and summer squash.... there's a bunch growing but they're not showing up in the picture.

I don't even know if I like artichokes, but I want to try to grow it.  Did you know potentially you can get 50 chokes off one plant?
Sharon, we took these and posted these pictures for you...

Have a good day folks.

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