Not my birthday, my daughters. She's 22 today time flies, yesterday she was in diapers and I was putting her big girl panties on her backwards (my wife and daughter still laugh at that). She's grown now and in college and doing well, but I will always remember her as my little girl.
Today is also the anniversary for D-Day. The day that launched our major involvement in the war in Europe during WWII. A lot of men fought and died on this day, but with America's involvement in the war the Allied forces were on the path to the inevitable... the defeat of the Axis. I pray for America today that the people have the resolve of their forefathers. We need it now more than ever.
On the homestead, the grapes are coming back after being eaten back to the vine by the chickens. The garden is extremely dry even with the layers of mulch we've put over the soil. I'm glad we put the soaker hose under the mulch it helps a lot. Luckily this is the first week where temperatures have been over 100 degrees for multiple days in a row. I'm hoping for an early monsoon season, but that's probably unrealistic. Well it's bed time...
God bless! Remember He provided salvation, all you have to do is trust in Jesus Christ.
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